While the study, performed at Oslo University Hospital in Norway from October 2014 through May 2016, 59 participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups placed on diets containing gluten, fructans (a type of fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols), and placebo, concealed in muesli bars, for 7 days. Following 7 days were measured gastrointestinal symptoms according to scale irritable bowel syndrome (GSRS-IBS) version. The final conclusion was: most of the symptoms were associated with the muesli bar containing fructan, while after the using of the bars with gluten and placebo (muesli bar without gluten) in the study didn’t show any significant difference between the reported symptoms.
So, why it was considered before that especially gluten consuming caused symptoms, named as Gluten Sensitivity? It could happen because foods with gluten often contain fructans.
Thus, summarizing all above, the results of the study may explain why people with irritated bowels often notice improvement, sitting on a gluten-free diet. However, this will not lead to a full recovery. Avoiding the use of wheat, these patients eliminate only a large part of the fructans from their diet, but they can also meet it in other foods (the same onion and garlic). Even some gluten-free products can contain fructans.
This recent scientific work was the first in which scientists carefully studied the relationship with these symptoms of those people who claim to be sensitive to gluten without celiac disease.
So, now researchers believe that, most likely, people who feel bloated and other inconveniences after certain dishes, in fact, react to fructan and take it for gluten intolerance.
By the way, fructan is also found in onions, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, and artichokes.
Recent studies also point to a dangerous relationship between a low in gluten diet and a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Thus, the fashion trend of rejection of gluten can be considered a dangerous diet, and potentially more harm than good.
Choosing the gluten-free diet, when there doesn't diagnose Celiac disease, may have a negative effect on nutrient intake. Most foods that contain gluten also contain calcium, vitamin B, and iron. When that’s taken away, important essential nutrients are also will be taken away. Stick to natural foods as opposed to substituting options!
Anemia is common in runners who are on a gluten-free diet, especially women runners. Gluten-free food substitutes are typically not iron fortified. It’s important to find ways to replace the lost iron.
On the other side, Gluten-free diet, and possible in future Fructan free diet will take away all beneficial compounds for Good bacteria flourish throughout the colon. So, people must use probiotic, as food every day, for preventing trouble absorbing nutrients properly. Looks, like we will use only artificial food in future!
But the main problem is: "We completely forgotten natural medicine and proper treating our health problem!" Due to using natural medicine in the past, people didn't have so many problems as we today...
November 01, 2017.
So, why it was considered before that especially gluten consuming caused symptoms, named as Gluten Sensitivity? It could happen because foods with gluten often contain fructans.
Thus, summarizing all above, the results of the study may explain why people with irritated bowels often notice improvement, sitting on a gluten-free diet. However, this will not lead to a full recovery. Avoiding the use of wheat, these patients eliminate only a large part of the fructans from their diet, but they can also meet it in other foods (the same onion and garlic). Even some gluten-free products can contain fructans.
This recent scientific work was the first in which scientists carefully studied the relationship with these symptoms of those people who claim to be sensitive to gluten without celiac disease.
So, now researchers believe that, most likely, people who feel bloated and other inconveniences after certain dishes, in fact, react to fructan and take it for gluten intolerance.
By the way, fructan is also found in onions, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, and artichokes.
Recent studies also point to a dangerous relationship between a low in gluten diet and a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Thus, the fashion trend of rejection of gluten can be considered a dangerous diet, and potentially more harm than good.
Choosing the gluten-free diet, when there doesn't diagnose Celiac disease, may have a negative effect on nutrient intake. Most foods that contain gluten also contain calcium, vitamin B, and iron. When that’s taken away, important essential nutrients are also will be taken away. Stick to natural foods as opposed to substituting options!
Anemia is common in runners who are on a gluten-free diet, especially women runners. Gluten-free food substitutes are typically not iron fortified. It’s important to find ways to replace the lost iron.
On the other side, Gluten-free diet, and possible in future Fructan free diet will take away all beneficial compounds for Good bacteria flourish throughout the colon. So, people must use probiotic, as food every day, for preventing trouble absorbing nutrients properly. Looks, like we will use only artificial food in future!
But the main problem is: "We completely forgotten natural medicine and proper treating our health problem!" Due to using natural medicine in the past, people didn't have so many problems as we today...
November 01, 2017.