Valentyna Herbalist
If You Have:
I Can Help You! |
Sorry, but I do not use marijuana in treatment!!!!
What are the Benefits of Natural Herbal Medicines?
The Main Advantages of Herbal Medicines are:They have little or no side effects as opposed to pharmaceutical products.
Most of prescriptive drugs are designed for one specific health problem, while many herbal medicines can address multiples issues at once. Using Natural Herbal Medicine prevents future health problems, surgery and hospitalization. |
There is a Choice on How to use ThemMedicinal herbs can be used in a variety of ways. Herbs can be mixed with food, made into tea, and be available in capsule, tablet or in tincture form.
*** The most popular form today are tinctures (highly concentrated liquid extracts of herbs). They are most effective and can be used with warm water, tea, or juice. |